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  • Writer's pictureChristina Hollensbe

Pretty in Pink (and Orange) Outdoor Fall Decorating Ideas

Although I don’t typically "celebrate" Halloween (something about witches, goblins, and death just gets me), I LOVE decorating seasonally. Particularly for FALL. I love all the beautiful rich colors that FALL can bring (but of course, I always decorate to my liking with lots of color).

It’s been raining here in South Texas...ALOT. It has delayed my painting projects and outdoor decor. But I’m not complaining, we’ve desperately needed the rain.

The good thing is, it has allowed me to work on some DIY pumpkins which I will share with you all along the way with my patio decor.

So here’s my spin on a bright, cheerful, and fun FALL outdoor decor...hope you enjoy! :)

As y’all know, I try to make do with things I already have. In order to save costs, I shop my home and then buy little inexpensive things to “fill” my home with seasonal decor.  For this project, I probably spent more on paint than anything else. Paint isn’t expensive and it’s amazing how a little paint can go a long way in transforming your space.

As you’ve probably already seen (follow me on instagram), the majority of my home is filled with pink and orange (and a little burgundy) for Fall. The pink florals are a staple all year round and most of the orange florals are seasonal Spring flowers so I save a ton there. I like to add brighter oranges because to me, orange represents FALL.

I knew I wanted to use some outdoor pillows I already had. The flamingo and palm pillows I previously had screamed SUMMER so I wanted to switch things up a bit so my next option were these PINK and ORANGE outdoor pillows I already had on hand...

Although zebras don't necessarily say "Fall", I think the color combo is PERFECT for my island home. The navy and white striped pillows I also already had. They are just so classic and work indoors as well as outdoors. And I know y’all have seen the black and white spotted pillows that I use often but they also go well with the Fall “Halloween” theme (which ya'll will see in just a bit).

I was perusing through Tuesday Morning one afternoon and saw this handsome fellow....

Of course, I get bored with brown so I had to paint him (you guessed it...) PINK! I had my handsome husband remove the little sign for me so I could paint him and then we just added the sign back in...Isn’t he cute?

The blue and white chinoiserie planter was bought at Home Goods several weeks ago for under $10. I just filled it with florals bought at my local arts and crafts store.

The white tray is one that I already had from AT HOME. And the cute lil owls were purchased at Pier 1 last year. I lucked out and got the last complete set with all three sizes (the 3rd one you will find on my garden stool). I contemplated on painting these as well but I think the white brings out the other colors so for now, they remain as they are. They hold tea lights and look so beautiful in the evenings.

I have also had these pumpkins that I bought at the dollar store FOREVER ago. They were orange, then painted aqua, and now THIS! I will probably keep them forever because they are durable, inexpensive, and just too fun to decorate!☺️



I simply used acrylic paint. I painted irregular dots all the way around and once dried, added the gold paint around the shapes and along the stem. It's quite simple really. The key here is to make sure you can see the brush strokes for a more dramatic effect. But you really can't mess this up! ;)

And for the love of God, PLEASE do not spend a ton on pumpkins. I've seen some at popular arts and crafts stores for OUTRAGEOUS prices...I'm talking just the plain white ones. You are better off getting a few at the Dollar Store or Walmart and painting them to your liking. You can also reuse/repaint them every year!

Ok, now back to my patio...I also had fun painting this stack of pumpkins!

It's not "perfect" but I had fun doing it and think it's super cute! Much more colorful then what is was previously...


Can you tell what my Fall color theme was last year? ;) I used the same acrylic paints that I had left over from my previous diy's not only cost effective but it also gives my patio more of a cohesive look.

I recommend using tape to "hatch mark" the argyle shapes for the pumpkin (second pumpkin from the bottom). I should've started in the back because I got better as I went along. ;)

I also used this tool to make the polka dots...

You can get them at your local arts and crafts store in a variety of sizes. Just make sure to dab A LITTLE paint because I learned using too much paint causes the paint to drip downward and it will ruin the shape of your polka dot!

I love how my stackable pumpkins turned out. I bought mine last year at Home Goods...but I saw this one at AT HOME for $100 so I was inspired to use the one I already had using my own colors...

Now let's go ahead and move to the other side of our deck...

I pretty much kept the same layout as previously but I switched it up again by using my Lilly Pulitzer outdoor pillows (these are double-sided so I use them often) and added more Fall decor.

The little vignette has a few more diy pumpkins and I added bows for a little more of a cutesie feminine touch...

The other day I was at my local antique store (that's typically where you'll find me) and I saw that cute little cache pot for $5...I knew I had to have it because the colors are so beautiful and goes perfect with my Fall color scheme!

The little pumpkin peeking out in the back was another miniature stackable pumpkin that I found on sale. They really weren't my colors so I painted it using a very similar design and method that I used for the larger prototype.

Whew! Well I think that's about all for now. Please remember you don't have to pay a ton for seasonal decor. Buy whatever is on sale and get creative! Bet the kiddos would also like to join in on the fun.

I will leave you with a few more pics of my outdoor patio. Hope you enjoy and stay tuned for my Fall Home Tour coming soon!

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